1.- It breaks Govern the Unaligned strategy. Or similar cards that send free pool to younger vampires.
2.- It makes vampires sterile. So they can´t create 1 cap vampires, and embrance it´s useless.
3.- LSJ created "The Horde" to play with them.
4.- Remove 2 blood points, as horseshoes. But this is much better because the vampires can´t fill themselfs another time.
5.- Burn 1 cap vampires.
6.- No cost.
7.- At inferior, it UNTAPS the infernal vampire.
8.- Scourge of the Enochians exists.
9.- You can play it to any Methuselah.
10.- +1 stealth action.
11.- You can´t remove them.
12.- It has burn option.
I don´t like this card, and I gonna tell you why:
1.- It´s rare.
2.- You need a lot of them to play a deck around this card.
3.- It´s useless against allies.
Yeah, it really sucks that it's rare. I consider it one of the stronger cards for the non-disciplines. On the plus side, you only need 2-3(one even, if you occasionally get it) to screw up someone's plans.