The period to inscribe yourself in the cardmaker competition 2009 has started.
This year we have the cardmaker tool that will increase the amount of people participating for sure, and so will the rivalry rise. I know there are a lot of artists out there.
This contest is also at the spanish forum "www.vtes.net"
There will be two competitions, one for the best created set and another for best created deck, in which you will have to make a deck with the cards you have created.
To be a little clearer:
To be able to participate in the competition for the best created deck you have to, along with participate in “best set” one , make a deck of at least 12 crypt cards and of 60-90 library cards. Of course, you can repeat any number of times you want any card you have created on a previous cardmaker competition. With this, you will not only test your ability to create cards but also as deck makers!
In this competition, what will count, is not the originality of your set. What will count is if it is really playable and funny on the vtes game right now. (no se como poner lo del entorno)
I had thought of a free theme, but, after seeing White Wolf’s BYO program I think it would be an incredible waste missing this opportunity.
BYO is a White Wolf’s proyect in which it takes up to 3 cards created in world level Storylines and makes them real, as promo cards. So, you can make them of any subject you want (Heroes, musical, historical, ... whatever) BUT if the theme of the winner is the world of darkness, he could see his invented cards turned into real promo ones some day. It’s up to you.
The number of cards of the set is also up to you. Not everybody has the same free time to spend doing this. It can be 10 cards, but it can also be 200 (you would be showing everyone how much free time you have)
Card Design:
You can use the cardmaker tool or do them with photoshop, you decide. As are the Vtes players the ones that are going to rate your set, there isn’t any kind of restriction about it. Each one will rate the cards in a differente way and will vote in consecuence.
From the 15th of may until 30 days later, the sets will be exposed in the vtes spanish forum and in this blog. They will be all available for download also in both spaces, but you will only be able to vote in the blog.
The two competitions will be rated separately.
When could I send my set?
You can send them to me since the first of April until the 15th of May to mi mail (manituan@gmail.com) in .rar format. In the file must be all the cards in .jpg format and a text file with your name, city where you play Vtes and the description of what you have created (special rules included). Once I receive them, I will place the .rar file inmediately on the web with the description you have sent.
The ones who want to compete on the best created deck competition will have, of course, to send the deck list (Not in .docx please)
It is supposed you are in for the renown you will get, but if that’s not the case we have a little surprise
As I’m quite poor, I hadn’t thought o giving any material prize (powerbase: montreal, freak drives, paritiys, ...). Instead, I will create a Storyline tournament in Valladolid (great wine, better women) with some of the cards created by the winner printed at full colour and using the special rules. The rules for the tournament will be decided here, in Valladolid, but I would keep in touch with the winner in every moment if he/she wanted to be part of it.
When will this tournament be is still unknown.
If the winner couldn’t come to Valladolid the cards would be sent to him/her by mail. But even with that, the tournament would be made.
Ben Swainbank, the Storyline organizer at global level, wrote me and he has told me he has liked the idea. He will follow the Storyline and it’s result with interest. He can’t promise a promo for the Storyline, as there are many who try to get that, but I will try to make it as attractive as possible.
If any shop or organization would like to sponsor the event, please contact with me by mail (manituan@gmail.com).
As soon as I know anything about the prices I’ll post it.
* I’m not joining the competition, but I’ll probably do a set too.
* If you want people from all over the world to understand you write the cards in english (your choice, but if someone can’t understand what the cards of the set say he/she won’t vote it, that’s for sure)
* If you have any doubt, contact me by mail.
* Something that I’m probably forgetting, I will put it when I remember it.
* You have in this blog the winner of the last year.
* You can find the "CardMaker Tool" in www.vtes.net or in the right side of my blog.
Nothing else, I hope you join the event and find the experience satisfactory.
Luck to everyone
*Joo Maselli Gouvêa