They are more committed to the absolute evil that Malkavian more psychotic or Sabbat more brutal. The Baali worship the devil. They believe strongly in the final ascension of total darkness and that vampires are servers chosen ahead of the powers on earth. They do not want to maintain a charade in front of their prey elected, not even seeking supremacy vampires, but eager to invoke their great lords to return to the world and become a hell infested with demons.
Gods of Evil is a mini_set invented by my (Manituan / Santana), based on the Vampire Mascarada shown to the infernal oldest and powerful among the followers of Baal and his most powerful secrets.
Design Vampires
- Environment
All vampire books are set in their roles and abilities and powers are close as possible to reality, since there is no much information Methuselah carrying hidden more than 2000 years.
The system that I have continued to design se basa en el article "how to design a CRYPT" and I have scrupulously adhered to the rules except for one detail, Moloch has high Temporis. This is what I have done 3000 years because it carries with Troile locked in the ruins of Carthage and it will have something stuck.
Although it may appear that they are very raw at first glance you have to take into account that they are hellish and equivalencies are as follows:
A vampire-normal 8 is the equivalent in disciplines and skills to a 6 infernal.
A vampire-normal 11 (Arika for example) is the equivalent disciplines
and skills to a 9 infernal.
Only you have to look at some Baali group of 2 or 4 and compare.
On disciplines outside the clan he met one high and one low, never recur two or more equal in various vampires and vampire is no limit of 2 with the same discipline outside the clan.
There is a Baali of 11 and you may ask, was not Saulot the creator of all Baali? It was believed that if left until the supplement to Gehenna, where there was a statue of Namtaru in the second city along with other antidiluvianos (twenty). There are many Kabyle on the descent of the Baali, I opted for this:
Namtaru is the sire of Nergal, Ashur of Huchipuchi and Saulot is the Sire of Moloch.
Although Seker, was an officer in the beginning, now it is not, but I wanted to do it in letter. It is not Baali itself, is a blood line that he created in the novels of the red death, but descended from Saulot and has dealings with elementary Fire.
As Namtaru takes many years locked in Chorizel it is 11, something like the letter Saulot (When should be 12).
In bold are the vampires of this mini_expansión. This he removed from the genealogy: Vampirerpg.
- Powerful blood
- Shaitan/Adriel (Huitzilopochtli) <4> (-4520:-4500) Progeny of Saulot. Sire of Nezahualcoyotl. He was embraced in the Second City and believed that his sire was Ashur. Sent by Caine and Ashur to investigate a mortal cult of infernalists. He was seduced to their side when he met Ba'al, one of the Great Demons. His fortress in Crete was destroyed by the Setites and the other Clans. He walked to Mexico and proclaimed himself Huitzilopoctli, the Aztec god of War. [CF,p118] [Cb-Ba] (Assyrian Fire God)
- Moloch <4> (:~ -4500) Progeny of Saulot. Sire of Annazir (12th cent. BC). Dwelt in Carthage, and was Troile's blood-bound lover. The two of them are entwined together in torpor beneath Carthage's remains. [Cb-Ba]
- Red Death/Seker <4> (:maybe ~ -4500) Progeny of Saulot. Sire of three childer. This vampire is described in the Red Death Trilogy which has been removed from White Wolf's cannon.
In the trilogy, Saulot has been killed by Tremere manipulated by St. Germain ; in many other sourcebooks, Saulot has manipulated Tremere into diablerising him, and has taken control of him. In both cases, the Tremere clan is manipulated...
Named Seker, Lord of the Underworld, he was also known as the Comte de St. Germain or Count Rakoczi. He became the Red Death after his pact with the Sheddim.
- Ancient blood
- Camazotz (Nezahualcoyotl) <5> Progeny of Huitzilopochtli. Sire of Tlazolteotl. He is an Aztec vampire. He is Hummingbird of the Left. [BW] (The Bat God)
- Annazir <5> (:12th cent. BC) Progeny of Moloch. Elder of Damascus during Dark Ages. Dimly recalls the great nights of his clan. Remembers the Shaitan and longs for those times again. He also longs for power, to watch events unfold directly; in essence, he's forgotten the lessons that made him an elder. [VN]
- The Children of Dreadful Night. <5> Progeny of Seker/Red Death. They are the three progeny of Red Death. [RD]
- Cybele (+ ) Progeny of one of the Shaitan. Sire of Petaniqua (-336). Sealed Troile and Moloch under Carthage. She had a taste for the blood of men who castrated themselves in her frenzied orgiastic ceremonies. Cursed the Assamites with the Blood Lust. She poses as a Malkavian Methuselah. She was killed by a sect of 13 vampires that said to be of the True Brujah. [KmW,pp81-82] [Cb-Ba,p66] [CbR-M]
- Petaniqua (~-360:-336) Progeny of Cybele. She was the princess of Epirus, mother of Alexander the Great. She was embraced the day Alexander assumed the throne of Macedonia. She was called Myrtale, then Olympias, then Petaniqua The Black Eyes of the Wyrm. She is totally corrupted by the Wyrm. She is the 2nd of the Red List and poses as Malkavian. [KmW,pp81-85] [Cb-Ba]
- Mary the Black/Ma-ri-ah <7-5> (:-1800) Progeny of probably Anaduk. She killed many Toreador in Constantinople. Diablerised Michael in 1204.
She is probably a progeny of Anaduk (a Baali) but might have been embrace by Beshter/Michael in Ebla. [CobN,p87] [Cb-Ba,p67] ![[-]](
- Anaduk <6> Sire of probably Ma-ri-ah (-1800).
- Hortator (Tlazolteotl) <6> Progeny of Nezahualcoyotl. Sire of Delfonso. She is an Aztec vampire. [BW] [PoC] (Goddess of Vice)
- Antonio DeFigio <6> Sire of Giotto Verducci (874). [FBC,p30]
- Ancillae blood
- Giotto Verducci <7> (:874) Progeny of Antonio DeFigio. Leader of the Abbey of Mount Zion. [FBC,p30]
- K'thstl <7> Sire of Sargon (1100). [FBC,p30]
- Darak <7> Sire of Elihu (1078). [FBC,p30]
- Delfonso <7> Progeny of Hortator. Sire of Don Benedict and Domingo. [BW] [PoC]
- Azanael <7?> Ruler of Chorazin. [Cb-Ba,p67]
- Elihu <8> (:1078) Progeny of Darak. Under the orders of Giotto Verducci. [FBC,p30]
- Sargon <8> (:1100) Progeny of K'thstl. Under the orders of Giotto Verducci. [FBC,p30]
- Al-Harim <8> Sire of Ansen. [TC3]
- Don Benedict <8> Progeny of Delfonso. Loved Dowager. [BW] [PoC]
- Domingo <8> Progeny of Delfonso. [BW] [PoC]
- Young blood
- Ansen, The Devil's Advocate <9> Progeny of Al-Harim. [TC3]
Library Card Design
Library cards I've built are set in the books of rules and supplements. These powers would require a infernal to accomplish its mission and pass unnoticed. Many are taumaturgical rituals, others are two of Sabbath and instead create discipline taumaturgy he met in the dark Daimoinon to make it easier to implement, if it came to play someday. From daimoinon itself only he created the "Rise of the Tyrant" (as the other levels have already letter), which is supposed level of 10 is what daimoinon and trying to lead the Baali from dwelling on the face of the Land: Summon Baal.
I wanted to make clear the intention of Baali on earth. Its sole function is to lift their lords and demonic that roam the land, sowing chaos. The Jyhad, the Sabbath, inconnu, the Camarilla ... It doesn´t cares. Only want to convert as many people as possible to their cause to end as soon as possible. So a new way of playing with baalis is leaving the dam with impotence that lifted it and while you can dedicate to your tasks demonic. Whenever you is the bleed, but that is for ventrue, we Baali we like playing in the shadows, manipulating and weaving line at will. Playing with the untap itself and the rest is a new way of playing with Baali fun in this mini_set and for that I have made a number of letters supporting it. It is a system slower but more fun.
To do so, there are several letters to convert to the minion of the dam in infernal, complementing the ability to Barbaro Luchesse Group 3.
If seem very gross, I have to say in his defence that the infernal that it costs 2 to play pool. The two pool to get up in separate actions. In addition to spend them and leaving.
I´ve removed the Nemesis concept and I left as a normal event. If your deck is designed to exploit these events to maximize the problem will have to play with very few cards in hand. Now all vampires can become infernales as +1 stealth action. I´ve concluded that it is impossible to make an expansion actually playable with the rest ofcards VTES, so I will simply try to do an expansion for some playable Story Line that we can do here, for the competition and for fun.
He created several unique demons, which along with Namtaru can be a good choice if you do not die today ... ;-) Namtaru + Demon basis bleed = 1 + Dream World bleed, 3. Do not say whether a harbinger plays a legal manipulations ...
One of the letters that I like most of this expansion and I have always wanted to design is "the power blood." It is no longer needed the Skills for the combo and the Beast gem! In addition if you want to do burn your favorite Baali with a Force of Will can increase bleed tambén with this letter to high.
With "Safe Circle" your demons will have the same skill that gargoyles when a Baali is blocked.
"Chains of Leteo" on the books of role does something very similar to domination, so why can not the Baali have also redirects?
In "Step Incorporeal" Taumaturgicals may finally combat ends, something inconceivable that has not been done before, and enderezarse whether they were reacting. Also a dodge high with "Kirothep" quite useful if you want to be a Tremere without fighting.
Although initially was very reluctant to do with photoshop the vampires for fear that I will remove a long time, I appreciated the ease with which I have taken this program that serves to secure to me later and I think the result is quite good.
I've used the best illustrations that I could find, always related to the letter in question, many of them drawn from
Insurance will take the cat to the participants with water jets editions, as potato vampires and flying wolf men XD, but in mine I wanted to stick as much as possible to world of darkness, especially VTES in particular, thinking that someday can play.
Nothing more, I hope that you've come this far reading this grated and that you enjoy so much with them as I do. And if after seeing this analysis we encourage you to take the clan Baali for the first time is welcome. Greetings!
Están más comprometidos con el mal absoluto que los Malkavian más psicoticos o los Sabbat más brutales. Los Baali rinden culto al diablo. Creen firmemente en la ascensión final de la oscuridad total y en que los vampiros son los servidores escogidos de los poderes que aguardan la tierra. No desean mantener una Mascarada frente a sus presas elegidas; ni siquiera buscan la supremacía vampírica, sino que ansían invocar a sus grandes señores para que regresen al mundo y lo conviertan en un infierno infestado de demonios.
Gods of Evil es una mini_expansión inventada por mi (Manituan/Santana), basada en Vampiro la Mascarada que recoge a los infernales más viejos y poderosos de entre los seguidores de Baal y sus más poderosos secretos.
Diseño de Vampiros
Todos los vampiros están ambientadas en los libros de rol y sus capacidades y poderes se acercan lo más posible a la realidad, ya que tampoco hay mucha información de matusalenes que llevan escondidos más de 2000 años.
El sistema que he seguido para diseñarlos se basa en el artículo que posteó RedVenom de cómo diseñar una crypta y me he ceñido a las reglas escrupulosamente salvo en un detalle. Moloch tiene Temporis a alta. Esto lo he hecho porque lleva 3000 años encerrado con Troile en las ruinas de Cartago y algo se le habrá pegado.
Aunque parezca que son muy brutos a simple vista tenéis que tener en cuenta que son infernales y las equivalencias son como siguen:
-Un vampiro normal de 8 es el equivalente en disciplinas y habilidades a un infernal de 6.
-Un vampiro normal de 11 (Arika por ejemplo) es el equivalente en disciplinas
y habilidades a un infernal de 9.
Sólo tenéis que mirar algún baali de grupo 2 o 4 y compararlo.
Sobre las disciplinas fuera de clan he metido una a alta y otra a baja, nunca se repiten dos o más iguales en distintos vampiros y hay límite de 2 vampiros con la misma disciplina fuera de clan.
Hay un Baali de 11 y os preguntaréis, no era Saulot el creador de todos los Baali? Pues se creía que si hasta que salió el suplemento de Gehenna, donde había una estatua de
Namtaru en la segunda ciudad junto con otros antidiluvianos(veintitantos). Hay muchas cabilaciones sobre la ascendencia de los Baali, yo me he decantado por esta:
Namtaru es el sire de Nergal, Ashur de Huchipuchi y Saulot es el Sire de Moloch.
Aunque Seker, era oficial en un principio, ahora ya no lo es, pero quería hacerlo en carta. No es baali propiamente dicho, es de una linea de sangre que creó él en las novelas de la muerte roja, pero desciende de Saulot y tiene tratos con elementales de Fuego.
Como Namtaru lleva muchísimos años encerrado en Chorizel pues es de 11, algo así como la carta de Saulot (Cuando deberían ser de 12).
-Genealogía Baali
En negrita están los vampiros de esta mini_expansión. Esta genealogía la he sacado de: Vampirerpg.
- Powerful blood
- Shaitan/Adriel (Huitzilopochtli) <4> (-4520:-4500) Progeny of Saulot. Sire of Nezahualcoyotl. He was embraced in the Second City and believed that his sire was Ashur. Sent by Caine and Ashur to investigate a mortal cult of infernalists. He was seduced to their side when he met Ba'al, one of the Great Demons. His fortress in Crete was destroyed by the Setites and the other Clans. He walked to Mexico and proclaimed himself Huitzilopoctli, the Aztec god of War. [CF,p118] [Cb-Ba] (Assyrian Fire God)
- Moloch <4> (:~ -4500) Progeny of Saulot. Sire of Annazir (12th cent. BC). Dwelt in Carthage, and was Troile's blood-bound lover. The two of them are entwined together in torpor beneath Carthage's remains. [Cb-Ba]
- Red Death/Seker <4> (:maybe ~ -4500) Progeny of Saulot. Sire of three childer. This vampire is described in the Red Death Trilogy which has been removed from White Wolf's cannon.
In the trilogy, Saulot has been killed by Tremere manipulated by St. Germain ; in many other sourcebooks, Saulot has manipulated Tremere into diablerising him, and has taken control of him. In both cases, the Tremere clan is manipulated...
Named Seker, Lord of the Underworld, he was also known as the Comte de St. Germain or Count Rakoczi. He became the Red Death after his pact with the Sheddim.
- Ancient blood
- Camazotz (Nezahualcoyotl) <5> Progeny of Huitzilopochtli. Sire of Tlazolteotl. He is an Aztec vampire. He is Hummingbird of the Left. [BW] (The Bat God)
- Annazir <5> (:12th cent. BC) Progeny of Moloch. Elder of Damascus during Dark Ages. Dimly recalls the great nights of his clan. Remembers the Shaitan and longs for those times again. He also longs for power, to watch events unfold directly; in essence, he's forgotten the lessons that made him an elder. [VN]
- The Children of Dreadful Night. <5> Progeny of Seker/Red Death. They are the three progeny of Red Death. [RD]
- Cybele (+ ) Progeny of one of the Shaitan. Sire of Petaniqua (-336). Sealed Troile and Moloch under Carthage. She had a taste for the blood of men who castrated themselves in her frenzied orgiastic ceremonies. Cursed the Assamites with the Blood Lust. She poses as a Malkavian Methuselah. She was killed by a sect of 13 vampires that said to be of the True Brujah. [KmW,pp81-82] [Cb-Ba,p66] [CbR-M]
- Petaniqua (~-360:-336) Progeny of Cybele. She was the princess of Epirus, mother of Alexander the Great. She was embraced the day Alexander assumed the throne of Macedonia. She was called Myrtale, then Olympias, then Petaniqua The Black Eyes of the Wyrm. She is totally corrupted by the Wyrm. She is the 2nd of the Red List and poses as Malkavian. [KmW,pp81-85] [Cb-Ba]
- Mary the Black/Ma-ri-ah <7-5> (:-1800) Progeny of probably Anaduk. She killed many Toreador in Constantinople. Diablerised Michael in 1204.
She is probably a progeny of Anaduk (a Baali) but might have been embrace by Beshter/Michael in Ebla. [CobN,p87] [Cb-Ba,p67] ![[-]](
- Anaduk <6> Sire of probably Ma-ri-ah (-1800).
- Hortator (Tlazolteotl) <6> Progeny of Nezahualcoyotl. Sire of Delfonso. She is an Aztec vampire. [BW] [PoC] (Goddess of Vice)
- Antonio DeFigio <6> Sire of Giotto Verducci (874). [FBC,p30]
- Ancillae blood
- Giotto Verducci <7> (:874) Progeny of Antonio DeFigio. Leader of the Abbey of Mount Zion. [FBC,p30]
- K'thstl <7> Sire of Sargon (1100). [FBC,p30]
- Darak <7> Sire of Elihu (1078). [FBC,p30]
- Delfonso <7> Progeny of Hortator. Sire of Don Benedict and Domingo. [BW] [PoC]
- Azanael <7?> Ruler of Chorazin. [Cb-Ba,p67]
- Elihu <8> (:1078) Progeny of Darak. Under the orders of Giotto Verducci. [FBC,p30]
- Sargon <8> (:1100) Progeny of K'thstl. Under the orders of Giotto Verducci. [FBC,p30]
- Al-Harim <8> Sire of Ansen. [TC3]
- Don Benedict <8> Progeny of Delfonso. Loved Dowager. [BW] [PoC]
- Domingo <8> Progeny of Delfonso. [BW] [PoC]
- Young blood
- Ansen, The Devil's Advocate <9> Progeny of Al-Harim. [TC3]

Diseño de Cartas de BibliotecaLas cartas de bilioteca que he diseñado están ambientadas en los libros de reglas y suplementos. Son los poderes que necesitaría un infernal para cumplir su misión y pasar inadvertido. Muchas son rituales taumaturgicos, otras son sendas del sabbat y en vez de crear la disciplina taumaturgia oscura la he metido en Daimoinon para que sea más fácil de implementar, en el caso de que se llegara a jugar algún día. De daimoinon propiamente dicho sólo he creado el "Rise of the Tyrant" (ya que el resto de niveles ya tienen carta), que se supone el nivel 10 de daimoinon y es lo que llevan intentando los baali desde que habitan sobre la faz de la tierra: Invocar a Baal.
He querido dejar patente la intención de los Baali en la tierra. Su única función es levantar a sus señores demoniacos y que deambulen por la tierra sembrando el caos. La Yihad, el sabbat, el inconnu, la camarilla... Les resbala. Sólo quieren convertir a tanta gente como puedan a su causa para terminar cuanto antes. Así una nueva forma de jugar con baalis es dejar a la presa con la impotencia de que levantarse cuesta y tu mientras puedes dedicarte a tus tareas demoniacas. Siempre te quedará el bleed, pero eso es para los ventrue, nosotros los baali nos gusta jugar en las sombras, manipulando y tejiendo la partida a voluntad. El jugar con la untap propia y con la del resto es una nueva forma de jugar con los baali muy divertida en esta mini_expansión y para ello he hecho una serie de cartas que lo apoyan. Es un sistema más lento pero más divertido.
Para ello, hay varias cartas de convertir al los minion de la presa en infernal, complementando la habilidad de Barbaro Luchesse de grupo 3.
Si parecen muy brutas, tengo que decir en su defensa que al infernal que la juega le cuesta 2 de pool. Los dos de pool para levantarse en sendas acciones. Además de gastarlas y que salgan.
He quitado el concepto Nemesis y lo he dejado como un evento normal. Si tu mazo va orientado a aprovechar estos eventos al máximo tendrás el problema de jugar con muy pocas cartas en mano. Ahora todos los vampiros pueden convertirse en infernales como acción +1 stealth. He llegado a la conclusión de que es imposible hacer una expansión realmente jugable con el resto de cartas de VTES, así que simplemente voy a intentar hacer una expansión jugable para algún Story Line que podamos hacer aquí, para el concurso y para divertirme.
He creado varios
demonios únicos, que junto con Namtaru puede ser una buena opción si no te mueres antes... ;-) Namtaru + Demonio base bleed 1 + Dream World = bleed de 3. No digamos si un heraldo juega un legal manipulations...
Una de las cartas que más me gustan de esta expansión y siempre he querido que diseñen es "
la power blood". Ya no hacen falta las Skills para el combo de la Bestia y la gema! Además si quieres hacer arder a tu Baali favorito con un Force of Will puedes incrementar el bleed tambén con esta carta a alta.
Con "
Safe Circle" tus demonios tendrán la misma habilidad que las gárgolas cuando un baali es bloqueado.
Chains of Leteo" en los libros de rol hace algo muy parecido a la dominación, así que porqué no podemos los baali tener también redirecciones?
Con el "
Incorporeal Step" los Taumaturgos podrán hacer por fin combat ends, algo inconcebible que no se haya hecho antes, y enderezarse si eran reacting. También un dodge a alta con "
Kirothep" bastante útil si quieres ser un Tremere sin combate.
Aunque al principio era muy reticente a hacer con photoshop los vampiros por miedo a que me quitara mucho tiempo, he agradecido la soltura que he cogido con este programa que seguro que me sirve para más adelante y creo que el resultado es bastante bueno.
He usado las mejores ilustraciones que he podido encontrar, siempre relacionadas con la carta en cuestión, muchas de ellas sacadas de Debería pasarse por aquí los de White Wolf y coger a los jóvenes ilustradores que hay, ya que le dan mil vueltas a los que usan ahora. Sin faltar XD.
Seguro que se llevarán el gato al agua los participantes con ediciones chorras, como vampiros tubérculos y hombres lobo voladores XD, pero en la mía he querido ceñirme lo máximo posible a mundo de tinieblas, sobre todo a VTES en particular, pensando en que algún día puedan jugarse.
Nada más, espero que hayáis llegado hasta aquí leyendo esta rallada y que disfrutéis tanto con ellas como yo haciéndolas. Y si después de ver este análisis os animáis a coger al clan Baali por primera vez bienvenido sea. Un saludo!