The key play was in the 3º table. I played "two wrongs" to a telephatic misdirection and he played me a sudden reversal. It was really stranger. I don´t see so much sudden in tournaments. At the next turn, with 1 pool, I played my 5th spell of life, but I needed 1 stealth and my prey played "dark influences" to the last intercept card (we had made a pact) and then he played another sudden reversal. Really stranger xD.
My deck:
1x Nakhthorheb OBF PRE SER 10 Follower of Set:4
1x Seterpenre AUS NEC OBF PRE SER 10 Follower of Set:5
1x Neferu OBF PRE SER THA dom nec 9 Follower of Set:4 2 votes
1x Pentweret OBF PRE SER aus for obe 9 Follower of Set:5
1x Porphyrion CHI OBF PRE SER for 9 Follower of Set:5
1x Shemti OBF POT PRE SER vic 9 Follower of Set:5 1 vote
1x Amenophobis OBF SER dom pre 7 Follower of Set:4 primogen
2x Halim Bey DOM SER obf tha 6 Follower of Set:4
1x Black Lotus DOM aus obf ser 5 Follower of Set:4
1x Sahira Siraj obf ser tha 4 Follower of Set:4
1x Sisocharis cel obf pre 4 Follower of Set:5
1x Ahmose Chambers obf ser 3 Follower of Set:5
Library [70 cards]
Master [13]
1x Opium Den
1x Archon
2x Information Highway
1x Dreams
2x Two Wrongs -1 ---> +1 Dreams
1x The barrens
1x Anarch troublemaker
2x Presence
2x Effective Management
Action [26]
12x Spell of Life
4x Dream World
6x Mesu Bedshet
2x Conceal
2x Temptation
Action Modifier [14]
2x Cloak the Gathering
2x Faceless Night
2x Lost in Crowds
4x Veil the Legions
2x Forgoten
2x Spying mission
3x Fake Out -1 ---> +1 Set´s Curse
3x Dodge
Action Modifier/Combat [2]
2x Swallowed by the Night
Event [1]
1x Unmasking, The
Ally [1]
1x Nephren-Ka
Reaction [8]
2x Delaying tactics
4x Deflection
2x On the Qui Vive